Friday, February 9, 2007

examples of what's inside

This e-book covers questions cat owners ask vets every day about cat behavior
Find out the FOUR major causes of abnormal cat behavior
The reasons why your cat's personality can't be changed
What determines a cat's personality
How to keep your cat from jumping on the dinner table
How to diagnose your litter box problems now and implement these
new strategies right away!
How to classify feline aggression problems
How important early kitten and human interactions are in the future happiness of both!
How age can affect use of the litter box
The importance of differentiating between marking (spraying)
and inappropriate elimination
Convenient flow chart to help you determine the cause of elimination outside the litter box.
The most common reasons cat's refuse to use the litter box
While you can go right to the treatment sections, I urge you to read the
whole book so you can accurately diagnose the real reason why your cat
is misbehaving and can go about fixing it in the shortest amount of time.
How to decrease the amount of stress in multi-cat households
How many litter boxes do you really need in a multi-cat household
Proper litter box maintenance
Why litter boxes from the grocery stores and pet stores don't cut it when it
comes to today's cats
Why a simpler litter box is better than a $200 mechanical box
Which situations should you seek a veterinarian's advice
Which situations might require medical help
Why some cats don't bury their excrement
12 ways to eliminate marking behavior
Also... I go over normal cat behavior, because if you don't know what normal is, how can you be sure the behavior is abnormal
Great tips on how to identify which cat is not using the litter box in multi-cat might not believe these!
Why your cat sometimes bites you when your petting them and how to stop it
Tips for curing play directed aggression
How to perform play therapy to help your cat
The importance of keeping your cat involved in its environment instead of being bored and looking for trouble

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